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Version: 2.8.y


This section discusses where's quirks.

No Value Autocompletion 🐧

No auto complete for the value argument(where clause third parameter) because we need to make way for more type checks.

This only matter if your value type is literal type. Regardless FirelordJS will still make sure the value type is correct, only autocomplete is missing.

The autocomplete of field path argument(1st parameter) and operation string argument(2nd parameter) are not affected and will work as intended.

Dealing With Empty Array ☢️

FirelordJS forbid never[] but allow correctType[] even if it is empty

Firestore admin throw if you supply empty array to in, array-contains-any and not-in operator.

To prevents this runtime error, FirelordJS block never[] and [] to stop you from accidentally assign empty array(never[]) directly.

However it is impossible to block empty array on type level if the type is type other than never[] and [](eg: string[], number[]), so FirelordJS handle the empty array at runtime by replacing the empty array with ['some long unique value'].

This avoids runtime exceptions while keeping the query accurate and always return empty result for in comparator and all results for not-in comparator.


If you revert back to the official Firestore API, please handle the empty array by yourself.