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Limitation 🐧

This section discusses limitions of FireSageJS due to reason unsupported or straight up impossible.

Data Type

  1. does not support numeric literal key eg: { 1:'a', 2:'b' }
  2. cannot mix non-numeric key and numeric key eg: { 1:'a', b:2 }
  3. Interface
  4. union object type with any primitive type, eg" {x:{a:number}|'string'}.

3: Interface serve as utility type, to avoid conflict, we must declare all data types must with Type.

4: technically possible. By utilizing Typesript distributive properties it is possible to generate path for object literal unions field.


Multiple types per object also degrade developer experience, because you always need to do runtime type check everytime you read it since you don't what is the exact type it returns.

This is simple with primitive types but unpleasant with object type.

Empty Value Handling

  1. limit and limitToLast cannot prevent runtime value 0, resulting in runtime error.

It is possible to solve but the solution is too fragile, so not going to work on it.