Library Exports
FireSageJS wraps and exports every function found in the @firebase/database/dist/public.d.ts
with few exceptions.
FireSageJS does not suppport function, methods and properties related to read or set priority, like setPriority
, setWithPriority
, orderByPriority
, exportVal
etc etc.
Please use orderByChild instead.
FireSageJS also does not export off
, please use unsubscriber return by individual listener instead.
Both priority
and off
are no longer recommended way to work with RTDB.
With wrapping:
- increment
- serverTimestamp
- onChildAdded
- onChildChanged
- onChildMoved
- onChildRemoved
- onDisconnect
- onValue
- get
- push
- remove
- set
- update
- endAt
- endBefore
- equalTo
- limitToFirst
- limitToLast
- orderByChild
- orderByKey
- orderByValue
- startAfter
- startAt
Without wrapping:
- getDatabase
- connectDatabaseEmulator
- enableLogging
- goOffline
- goOnline
- forceLongPolling
- forceWebSockets
Type Definitions
Field Types:
- ServerTimestamp
- PushAble
- PushAbleOnly
- NumericKeyRecord
- Removable
- PossiblyReadAsNullable
- DatabaseReference
- Query
- Ref
- DataSnapshot
- MetaType
- MetaTypeCreator